Eric Tangumonkem, Ph.D.

Jul 22, 20203 min

Before You Give Up, #think

As a little kid my father always told me, “Roman was not built in a day.” My dad made this statement each time I became impatient and wanted to give up on a project.

According to Thomas Edison, “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” This implies that perseverance is a quality that you must develop if you want to be successful in anything you do. Many people give up because when they start the going gets tough and at times it is even tougher than they envisaged.

Some people say somebody came up with a drink called One-Up, but the drink flopped. This person proceeded to lunch Two-Up, followed by Three-Up, Four-Up, Five-Up and Six-Up. All these drinks failed and this inventor got disillusioned and surrendered. After giving up, somebody came up with the idea for 7-Up and it became a hit.

This post is for you who is considering giving up! Who is so hard pressed that all you think is the relief that comes from letting go of the pressure on you.

We all have heard that a picture speaks more than a thousand words. When I saw the picture of the two men digging for diamonds and immediately realized that one of the men got so close, but gave up it prompted me to write this post. Many questions ran through my mind. How do you know when to give up? When do you know it is not the right time to give up? How do you know you are close to the treasure or victory?

  • Winners do not quit and quitters do not win. When you give up, you are out! Therefore you have to stay in. You have to keep going. You have to keep trusting. You have to keep working if you want to be successful.

  • Many other people have been there before you. According to King Solomon, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” You may be tempted to think that your situation is unique and different. No so fast! Consider the following people who refused to give up and finally became household names.

Agatha Christie’s books which have sold more than $2 billion were initially rejected continuously for five years, before she landed the first book contract.

Dr Seuss’ books have sold about $300, but he received the following rejection letter which said, “Too different from other juveniles on the market to warrant its selling.”

Michael Jordan. “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games; 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Thomas Edison experimented with 6,000 filaments in order to pick the perfect one that would glow well and last a long time (

What would have happened if he gave after the first 1000 filaments? The questions can go on and on, but one sure answer is that he would not have been credited with the invention of the light bulb.

Some people say somebody came up with a drink called One-Up, but the drink flopped. This person proceeded to lunch Two-Up, followed by Three-Up, Four-Up, Five-Up, and Six-Up. All these drinks failed and this inventor got disillusioned and surrendered. After giving up, somebody came up with the idea for 7-Up and it became a hit.y became household names.

Remember quitters do not win and winners do not quit. You are closer to the target than you may think or feel. Do not give up!
