There is a new currency that all of us who use social media have. The beauty of this new currency is that all of us have an equal amount of it. Therefore, nobody should complain of not having any. This is the only currency that we do not need to do anything to have our first supply, but what you do with this new currency will determine how much it will continue to receive it.

You must have heard that a picture or video that was posted by somebody on any of the numerous social media platforms went viral. What drives the viral phenomenon is how people decide the use this new currency. If people decide to spend massive amounts of this currency it drives posts and makes them more visible. The greater the visibility of something that is posted online the higher the chances that it will go viral. When a post goes viral there is a probability that some money can be made. This is the type of money that all of us are used to. Somebody who doesn't like spending their social media currency to support other people. This is something that only they can explain.
You must have heard that a picture or video that was posted by somebody on any of the numerous social media platforms went viral. What drives the viral phenomenon is how people decide the use this new currency. If people decide to spend massive amounts of this currency it drives posts and makes them more visible. The greater the visibility of something that is posted online the higher the chances that it will go viral. When a post goes viral there is a probability that some money can be made. This is the type of money that all of us are used to. Somebody does not like spending their social media currency to support other people. This is something that only they can explain.
Share: If a post inspires you, there is a high probability that other people will be inspired by it. Therefore, share it so that it can inspire other people. It does not cost you much to share, instead, it is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of other people. You are a channel of blessing when you share.
Like: Based on your judgment the post may not inspire you to the point where you think others may benefit and you think it is not worth sharing. The least you can do it to like it! When you like what people post, especially those posts that are geared at making the world a better place for all of us, you are encouraging those behind the post to keep writing and posting. The more they write the better they will get and hopefully, a day will come when they will produce something that is truly remarkable.
What does it cost you to like a post and encourage another human being?

Comment: You can like, share, and comment. Where you can do a lot of good is with the comments that you can leave. Why not learn how to truly edify, build, and value others by leaving comments that will help them improve their craft? You have the currency to spend and you have the opportunity to make a huge difference each time you read or watch something. Why not use the sandwich method to help others grow. "I read your post and what you have written makes a lot of sense, but you may consider shading more light on its usefulness. I enjoy reading your posts, keep writing."
You have more than enough social media currency to inspire, encourage and help others improve their act.
Dr. Eric Tangumonkem was born and raised in a Caldera on the Cameroon Volcanic Line in Cameroon. In addition to being a geoscientist with extensive experience in the oil and gas industry, he is a teacher and an entrepreneur. Currently, he teaches at Missional University, Embry Riddle, and West Hills College. He is also the President of IEM Approach a premier personal growth and leadership development company based on the infinite wisdom revealed over the ages. On a mission to inspire, equip, and motivate people from all work of life to find their God-given purpose, pursue, and possess it.
If you are interested in his other works they can be accessed here:
The IEM APPROACH is a holistic way of life; the physical and spiritual must be in synergy for real, lasting, and sustainable success.
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